Walnut Bowl with Strong Crotch Blossom Figure

I have written extensively about Black Walnut in the past and those details can be found here.

This particular piece came as part of a much larger set of bowl blanks from Missouri, and if I did not know the geographic origin of the material I might have been tempted to think it was California Claro Walnut due to the intense figure present in this piece.

The name for this type of distinct figure is Crotch Blossom, and yes, I know that can sound funny or perhaps very unfunny as some kind of disease, but in this case it actually refers to something quite beautiful that only rarely occurs.  The crotch in reference to a tree indicates the part of the trunk where a large secondary trunk grows out from the main trunk, creating a bifurcated main trunk, not something that occurs in all trees, or it can be the point on the main trunk where a major limb starts to grow out.  The resulting wood from this junction often shows a strong figure as the wood fibers are crossing and growing in different directions to support the secondary trunk or major limb.  This figure can resemble the blossom of an exotic flower and therefore its name.

Black Walnut With A Strong Crotch Blossom Figure

Black Walnut With A Strong Crotch Blossom Figure

Material with a figure this strong, of any type, in Black Walnut is rare, although more common in Claro Walnut.  Crotch Blossom Figure is even more unusual to find in any species of wood, so this was a remarkable find especially since the figure was not strongly noticeable on the surface of the blank prior to turning.  I suspect that the vendor did not realize the degree of figure present when he sold the blank, otherwise it would have expected it to sell for a far greater price than I paid for it.  I have never before seen such a strong Crotch Blossom Figure in a piece of Black Walnut, although I have in one piece of Claro Walnut, with a price tag to match, and I greatly enjoyed discovering this unique figure while turning this piece and further enjoy being able to share it with you now.

Whatever your wood working interests may be, but especially for those fellow wood turners out there, have a great turn today.