
Complete information about health hazards associated with a wide variety of exotic hardwoods is available from The Wood Database along with additional information about the best use of a dust collection system, coupled with the use of personal protective equipment such as respirators, which is highly recommended when machining this wood.  Fortunately, I have never experienced any negative side effects from working

My Personal Experiences

Redheart has become one of my favorite woods to work with on the lathe.  It turns simply beautifully, finishing with a sharp cutter so finely that sanding is almost not necessary.  The color is stunning and even though it darkens relatively quickly, it is still unique in its vibrancy and depth, far beyond anything I have yet seen Bloodwood compare to despite alternate opinions.  I have used Redheart in the manufacture of pens, salt/pepper grinders, as well as shakers and fine it admirably suited to all these purposes.  I look forward to making my first of several bowls using Redheart once the bowl blanks are properly seasoned.

Numerous photos of many different samples of Redheart are available here.