Australian Woods
I enjoyed working with the Red Mallee burl. While it was a quite small sample, it cut cleanly with no breakage although, as is common in burl woods, …
Royal Poinciana is very heavy and dense for its size. The wood is reasonably hard and cuts well with the grain. The cross grain areas do not …
So, what the heck is a medullary ray? Put as simply as possible, rays are components of the anatomy of a tree. They are cellular structures that …
The interior is divided into two distinct warehouses. The first one you enter from the office is home to the turning blank supplies, all neatly organized alphabetically by …
Lilac, perhaps surprisingly given that it is best known for its delicate flowers, is one of the harder and denser woods. Its Janka hardness is easily twice that …
The tree itself is a native of the sub-tropical regions of South America. It is best known for its profuse lavender colored blossoms that appear in late spring/early …
Saligna wood is reported to be dense and heavy, as well as fairly hard although I cannot locate a specific Janka hardness score. The wood is also noted …