local woods
This isn’t my first time working with California Pepper as regular readers may recall. As was the case with the first blank, all of these blanks feature checks and …
As a turning wood California Pepper pleasantly surprised me. It is moderately hard and turns cleanly and easily with very little sanding required to achieve a fine finish. That …
This year I decided to use Claro Walnut that was actually sourced from Chico, California, where my sister lives and works. I thought that would make a special connection …
The thing is that aside from the end grain lift, which is best removed by locking the lathe and doing some quick focused sanding, Mulberry makes an excellent turning …
The first thing I noticed about the Almond was how dense it was, heavy for the volume. And it was clearly hard as well as it took some effort …
I knew that Honey Mesquite was one of the hardest of the North American woods so I was surprised by the ease with which it cut. And this …
I made three bowls this day and I chose to end with the Claro Walnut because I knew it would be the most joyous to turn. I wasn't wrong.