Two More Cumaceba Bowls

This is my second time working with Cumaceba and my experience in the past holds true to today so I am really just sharing this photo of the two newly completed bowls.

Oh, one thing I have discovered is that the technical name for Cumaceba is Swartzia polyphylla.  Now you know.  Several of the Swartzia species are excellent and well known turning woods, including Queenwood, Katalox, and Wamara.


The dish on the left measures 5.5″ x 3″ while the dish on the right is slightly larger at 6″ x 3″.

All major cuts were made using the Easy Wood Tool system on my Robust American Beauty lathe, although I do use Robert Sorby bowl gouges for light final passes before sanding.  Forward chucking was in a Nova Chuck, while reverse chucking was done using a Nova Chuck with Cole Jaws.  Sanding was with Gold and Green Wave sanding discs as well as Abranet screens from Packard Woodworks.  Final finish is Shellawax.

As always, I wish all my readers a great experience in whatever your wood working interests happen to be and to those who like working with lathes especially, do a good turn today!